Voiced by: Lilja Obrien
Leader of the Grain Gunners, Papaya is bold and brash. She can use precision ranged attacks, or a deadly scattershot.
Voiced by: Gideon Emery
Leader of the Fierce Fleuristas, Rhubarb is an expert in combat. He can deliver short-range sword attacks, or long-range whip attacks that recover health.
Voiced by: Nicole Fantl
Queen Mango watches over all of Flowergard. She can sense disturbances in plantlife anywhere in the kingdom. You must protect her at all costs.
Voiced by: William Kage
Wolfsbane is filled with rage. His poisonous thorns are all over Bramble Hollow. Don't go there unless you're ready to face some serious danger.
Voiced by: Chris Sarandon
Kabocha has enormous vines, and an army of baby pumpkins at his disposal. Watch out for seed spitting minions!
Voiced by: William Kage
More villains have stoked outrageous overgrowth. Do you have what it takes to trim their terror?